Supporting the Work at Arrow River Forest Hermitage

NOTE: We are now fund-raising for the building of a new kitchen facility
For more details, go to New Kitchen Project.

Important information for donors waiting for a tax receipt
Due to the on going strike by the Canadian Postal workers, ARFH is unable to mail any receipts for donations.
When sending donations, be sure to include your email address.
If you have not received a receipt for your donation send the Treasurer of ARFH an email providing:

Date and amount of your donation
Full name
Mailing Address

Arrow River Forest Hermitage is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency
Charity BN# 11994 9774 RR0001

by cheque

make cheque payable to:
Arrow River Forest Hermitage

mail to:
Arrow River Forest Hermitage - Treasurer
c/o 634 Hartland Street
Thunder Bay ON P7B 2E6


Donate Now Through!

via Canada Helps

CanadaHelps is non-profit online donation portal specifically for charities. You can donate through CanadaHelps from anywhere in the world. All donations are issued a receipt. Canadian donations are tax deductible. For more information go to the CanadaHelps web-site.

via Electronic Transfer

Alternative option for donations: EFT from a Canadian Bank Account, 100% of funds goes to ARFH, no processing fees. Contact for details:

Treasurer of ARFH (click me twice)

(Set up for auto deposit) In message box: Kitchen Project or General Funds. Include full name and mailing address for tax receipt.

Dana the Basis of Our Support

[retreaters]In accordance with the traditions of the Theravada school, Ajahn Punnadhammo and any other monks staying here do not have personal money in any form.

All activities (teachings and meditation retreats) provided at Arrow River Forest Hermitage are offered in accordance with the ancient Buddhist principle of Dana or "That which is freely given". ARFH is entirely dependent on free-will offerings. The generous support received from the lay community provides us with the means to meet ongoing expense for food, supplies, fuel, and building materials.

How You Can Help Support ARFH

There are many ways in which the lay community can help support the work at Arrow River Forest Hermitage.

1. Donations of Money

Under the Canadian Income Tax Act, ARFH can issue official donation receipts for income tax purposes for donations that legally qualify as gifts. For information on "Gifts and Giving" visit the Canada Revenue Agency .

A receipt will be issued for all donations over $10.00. Arrow River Forest Hermitage will re-allocate all unused donated funds received for specific projects to other charitable programs or activities.

[building kuti]

2. Working

The lay community is welcome to come to the hermitage for a day or more to help with the many projects that are on the go. There are jobs and chores for all skill levels and ability: ie. cleaning the pavilion, chopping, delivering and stacking firewood, and carpentry work. Before coming, please contact Ajahn Punnadhammo, Abbot for more details.