Contacting the Arrow River Forest Hermitage
This is our preferred method of communication.
Abbot, Punnadhammo Bhikkhu
Treasurer of ARFH (click me twice)
To subscribe to our mailing list, which includes electronic copies of our newsletters, go here: SUBSCRIBE
Our phone connection is via the internet and it is unlikely we will be online to pick up your call. So please leave a voicemail message. If possible, send us an email message as well. Thanks for your patience.
The Arrow River Forest Hermitage
925-A Hwy 593
Neebing ON P7L 0A2
NOTE: this address has been changed to that used prior to Fall of 2014
Please go to the Dana Page for information about how you can support the Arrow River Forest Hermitage
48° 03' N x 89° 45' W
Province of Ontario, Devon Township, Concession 3, Lots 14 &15
Link to Our Location on Google Maps
We are on Hiway #593 which is a sideroad off Ontario Highway 61 near the Minnesota border. The closest city is Thunder Bay, Ontario. Instructions for reaching the Centre:
From Thunder Bay: Starting at the west end of Arthur St, follow Highway 61 south toward the American border; turn right onto Highway 593 (the Devon Road.) Stay on 593, following the Devon Road approx 20 km - (as a landmark, the center is about 5 km past the Pardee Road turnoff.) If you cross a bridge you have gone 5 km too far.
From Toronto: Quickest route is via Thunder Bay. Follow Highway 11-17 (the Trans-Canada) through the city and continue on to Highway 61 (at the top of Arthur St), see directions from Thunder Bay.
From Winnipeg and points west: Follow Highway 11-17 until just east of Kakabeka Falls and turn right onto Highway 588. Turn onto Highway 593 at Silver Mountain. The center is about 30 km south. It is 5 km past the third bridge you will cross, if you come to the Pardee Road turnoff you have gone 5 km too far.
From the USA: Follow US 61 North from Duluth. This becomes Ontario 61 at the border. Turn left on to the Devon Road (Highway 593) which is the first side road after the border. See directions from Thunder Bay.
You can't miss us! Look for a big open field with a log cabin and a wind turbine mast. (About half-way up 593, on your right if you are driving north from Highway 61). Watch for the Arrow River sign in the field. The driveway is about a hundred yards further north.
IMPORTANT NOTE - if you are driving here, there is no place to get gasoline after Thunder Bay.
If you are considering a visit to Arrow River, please go to the vistor's section of this web-site for detailed information and instructions.
Please be advised that space is limited and it is best to reserve well in advance, particularly in the summer.